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Project Location: \JTools_CatFileGenerator
The Category File Dumper is a very similar application to the
JTools CatTracker
application. While the Cat Tracker application is used more for a visual
examination of category data, in human readable form, the Cat File Generator
outputs all data to files, one line per category message.
The JTools Category File Dumper also combines the functionality of the JTools Batch
Processor to make processing data which spans days, months or years
Request Data Parameters:
- Categories - What category messages to output data for. Leave this
field blank for all category messages or comma deliminated for single or
multiple category messages (for example - 4,16,82).
- Exchanges - Because symbols may be duplicated on different
exchanges (for instance eGE exists on the New York Exchange and the Canadian
exchange and represents two different companies), you can filter for the symbol
using only the exchange(s) specified in this field. Leave this field blank for
all exchanges or comma deliminated for single or multiple exchanges (for
example - 3,4,12).
- Symbol Filter - The symbol(s) to scan for. Leave this field blank
for all symbols, or a full symbol to filter for. You may also specify a
wildcard at the end of a symbol using the character '*'. For instance,
"eA*" would filter for all symbols beginning with the characters
- Age Filter - Because many category messages may have been generated
at an earlier date than the previous date, this setting allows you to filter by
Age. If the field is blank, the age of the message does not matter.
If set to a negative number, then all messages will be for less than # days
specified. For instance, -5 would indicate you wish to see messages that are 5
days or less old.
If set to a positive number, then all messages will be for greater than the #
days specified. For instance, 5 would indicate you wish to see messages that
are more that 5 days old.
Time and Parameters:
- Start Time (HHMM)- Example - "0930" If use exact time is
set to 0 (no), the system will start examining time from start time forward.
- Stop Time (HHMM) - Example - "1600" If use exact time is
set to 0 (no), the system will exit once stop time is passed.
Pre-Text Parameters:
- Usage Pre-Text Fields - A sequential string with the fields desired
for output, preceding the actual category data fields. The order of output in
output files is determined by the field order specified.
- Milliseconds - If NxTime is used in the Usage Pre-Text, selecting
this will enable milliseconds in the NxCore time stamp.
String Tables and Strings Parameters:
- STRING_IDX - For fields that are of type NxCFT_STRING_IDX, select
the components to output. If multiple components are chosen they will be
separated by the pipe '|' character.
- STRING_MAP - For fields that are of type NxCFT_STRING_MAP, select
the components to output. If multiple components are chosen they will be
separated by the pipe '|' character.
- NxString - For fields that are of type NxString, select the
components to output. If multiple components are chosen they will be separated
by the pipe '|' character.
- Null String Character - Used to indicate that a string field is
indicated as "Set" but the string itself is null or empty
Misc Parameters:
- Print Headers - Include a file header with all field names as the
first line of the file.
- Output Symbol Prefix - If checked symbol prefixes will be output
with the symbol.
- Process Saturday - Process data for Saturday toggle.
- Process Sunday - Process data for Sunday toggle.
Output File Parameters:
- Default File Extension - The default file extension to use for
- Field Separator - A single character used to separate data fields
within the files.
Please note that some category sub-field strings will contain data that uses
the pipe character '|' to separate fields within that string. As such, if you
choose to print actual string field strings, a different character (such as the
default comma ',' should be used to avoid fields and their possible sub-fields
from being confused when parsing the output.
- Data Folder - Folder data files are created in.
If left blank, the output files will be generated in the sub-folder
JTools_OutData\IntervalData\StockStockOptions. The sub-folder will be located
in the same folder that the application runs from.
Sub-folders representing the category number will be created within the data
folder and the category messages will be written inside the sub-folders.
Batch Mode Parameters:
- Run in Batch Mode - If checked, batch parameters become enabled and
allow the application to process files in a "Batch Mode". If
unchecked, individual files or realtime mode may be chosen in the standard
settings window.
- Start Date - Date of the first historical file to be processed.
- Stop Date - Date of the last historical file to be processed.
- Tape Set - The NxCore 2 or 3 letter tape set code.
- Tape Ext - The NxCore tape extension (nxc, nx2 or nx3).
- Tape Path - Path to the historical tapes.
- Use Year Subfolders - Many users will organize their historical
tapes by year (such as Data\2016, Data\2015, etc). If 'Use Year Subfolders' is
enabled then the application will search in the Tape Path folder + the year
sub-folder for the specific NxCore historical tape file.
- Continue on Errors - If checked and an error occurs (such as a
missing file in the sequence) processing will continue with the next file. If
unchecked processing will stop on the first error encountered.
- Run in Reverse - When selected, Batch processing will occur from the
stop date to the start date. If not selected batch processing occurs from the
start date to the stop date.
Project Location: \JTools_CatFileGenerator
JTools Table of Contents