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Strange Days July 28, 2011 - RTSA Illustrates the Illusion of Liquidity

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On July 28th the ETF iPath Short Extended Russell 2000 (symbol RTSA) nicely illustrates quote price instability, or how the NBBO represents the Illusion of Liquidity. This is the new normal. It is also what a broken market looks like.

Every study we have read that looks at bid/ask spreads, uses a methodology that would conclude the spread for RTSA averages around 5 cents. The reason for this, is that they simple focus on averages over the trading day. For many stocks, when there is low trading activity, the spreads are indeed tight. But the moment that HFT systems detect an impending order, the tight spreads evaporate, often at the speed of light. Just look how quickly the spread goes from about 5 cents to over $1 when trades appear. In some cases, just a few hundred shares will cause the spread to collapse and volatility to explode.

Then again, as we have already pointed out, no one uses the NBBO anyway.

Chart 1 Showing the NBBO, trade and trade volume.


Chart 2 Includes bid and ask prices for each market center.


Shade indicates National Best Bid and Offer Spread.
Semi-circles indicate trades.
Trade volume shown in lower panel.
Triangles represent bid (up) and ask (down) prices from each market center. (Chart 2 only)

Chart 3 Sequential Chart of Quotes and Trades


Publication Date: 07/28/2011

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