Nanex Research

Nanex ~ 06-Sep-2012 ~ Natural Gas News

There was unusual trading activity about 42 seconds before the scheduled release of the EIA Natural Gas Report at 10:30am EDT. Actually, this is getting to be more and more common.

1. UNG ~ 50 millisecond interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange and the NBBO (gray shade).
Note the volume spike at 10:29:18. The report is scheduled to be released 42 seconds later at 10:30am EDT.

2. NG.V12 ~ Natural Gas October 2012 futures contract showing trades, depth of book, and contract volume.
Note that about 400 contracts trade about 42 seconds before the scheduled news release.

3. UNG ~ 1 Second interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange and the NBBO (gray shade).

4. UGAZ ~ 1 Second interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange and the NBBO (gray shade).

5. DGAZ ~ 1 Second interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange and the NBBO (gray shade).

6. UNG ~ 1 Second interval chart bids and offers color coded by exchange.

7. UGAZ ~ 1 Second interval chart bids and offers color coded by exchange.

8. DGAZ ~ 1 Second interval chart bids and offers color coded by exchange.

Nanex Research
