Nanex Research
Nanex ~ 24-Oct-2012 ~ MKC.V Event
On October 24, 2012 at 12:29:59, the class V stock of McCormick & Company (symbol MKC.V) dropped 9.6% in 100 milliseconds
and then recovered within 10 seconds.
1. MKC.V 1 second interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange.
2. MKC.V 1 second interval chart showing bids and asks color coded by exchange.
3. MKC.V 20 millisecond interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange.
4. MKC.V 1 millisecond interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange.
5. MKC.V 1 millisecond interval chart showing trades and quote spread
from NYSE
and EDGX.
Note how trades at Edge-X could have received better prices if routed.
6. MKC.V 1 second interval chart showing bids and asks color coded by exchange.
Crazy quoting just before drop.
Nanex Research