Nanex Research
Nanex ~ 11-Dec-2012 ~ PFG Preferred
Follow along with
Dennis Dick at Premarket info as he tries to buy this stock.
1. PFG.PR.B - 2 second interval showing trades color coded by exchange and NBBO
(gray shading) over a 34 minute period of time.

2. PFG.PR.B - 250ms interval showing trades color coded by exchange and NBBO
(gray shading) over a 4 minute period of time.

3. PFG.PR.B - 250ms interval showing trades, bids and asks color coded by exchange
and NBBO (gray shading) over a 4 minute period of time.

4. PFG.PR.B - 1 second interval showing best bids and asks color coded by exchange
over a 17 minute period of time.

5. PFG.PR.B - 1 second interval showing all bids and asks color coded by exchange
over a 17 minute period of time.

Nanex Research