Nanex Research

Nanex ~ 8-Feb-2013 ~ SLH Rockets 550%, Then Crashes

On February 8, 2013, the stock of Solera Holdings Inc (symbol SLH), with a market cap in the billions, traded from $55 to $302.39 and then back down again.

1. SLH showing trades color coded by exchange and NBBO (gray shading).

2. SLH showing bids and asks color coded by exchange and NBBO (gray shading).

3. SLH showing bids and asks color coded by exchange and NBBO (gray shading).

4. SLH showing bids and asks color coded by exchange and NBBO (gray shading). Chart shows 5 seconds of time.

5.SLH showing bids and asks color coded by exchange and NBBO (gray shading). Chart shows 1 second of time.

6.SLH Tick Chart.

Nanex Research
