Nanex Research
Nanex ~ 14-May-2013 ~ MYL
On May 14, 2013 at 14:44:30, the price of the stock of Mylan, Inc (symbol MYL, market
cap: $11.4 billion) rocketed about 3% in 1.5 seconds on about 600 trades (110,000 shares).
What is unusual about this event, is what happened next: it quickly and actively traded
back down 3% in 0.25 seconds on about 250 trades (32,000 shares).
1. MYL - Trades color coded by reporting exchange. Chart shows 5 seconds of
2. MYL - Trades color coded by reporting exchange. Zoomed out.
3. MYL - NBBO - gray for normal (bid < ask), yellow for locked (bid = ask),
red for crossed (bid > ask).
Nanex Research