Nanex Research
Nanex ~ 05-Jul-2013 ~ PCP and COLE
Charts of the stock of Precision Castparts Corp (symbol: PCP, market cap: $34 billion)
and Cole Real Estate Investments (symbol COLE) near the open of trading on July 5, 2013.
1. PCP trades color coded by reporting exchange and NBBO (gray shading).
Prices zoom from $233.22 to $270 in about 1 second, then return seconds later.
2. PCP trades from NYSE.
Note how trades at NYSE stop at $236.73 - this is when the
NYSE LRP kicked in.
3. PCP quote spread and shading from NYSE and Nasdaq.
Green triangles are "Slow mode" quotes from NYSE's circuit breaker named LRP. Another
4. COLE trades color coded by reporting exchange.
We aren't sure what caused the sudden upward spikes in prices from NYSE trades (dark
blue circles).
5. COLE bids and asks color coded by reporting exchange and NBBO (gray
Nanex Research