Nanex Research
Nanex 15-May-2014 ~ Natural Gas Oscillations
1. June 2014 Natural Gas (NG) Futures trades (squares) and quote spread
(gray shading). Chart shows 220 milliseconds of time.
Note the wide price oscillations.
2. UNG trades color coded by reporting exchange and NBBO (gray/red shading).
UNG is an ETF based on Natural Gas. Same 220 milliseconds as chart 1 (above).
3. June 2014 Natural Gas (NG) Futures. Zooming out to about 27 seconds of time.
4. UNG - an ETF based on Natural Gas over the same 27 seconds as chart 3 (above).
5. June 2014 Natural Gas (NG) Futures. Zoomed out to about 17 minutes of time.
6. UNG - an ETF based on Natural Gas over the same 17 minutes as chart 5 (above).
Nanex Research