On May 30, 2014, the stock of Time Warner, Inc (symbol: TWX, market cap: $61 billion)
experienced two sudden drops about 6 minutes apart:
Price Change
Shares (Approx)
$69.93 to $68.90
$69.79 to $68.70
Close inspection reveals that trading didn't go straight down - there was plenty of back and
forth action along the way which you can clearly see in the close up charts below (4a, 6, 7a).
1. TWX's Two Drops: (A) 13:16:58 and 6 minutes later (B) 13:23:00.2. Zooming into 27 seconds of first drop (A).3. Zooming into 1/3 of a second (the blink of an eye) of Chart 2 above.4. Zooming into about 60 milliseconds (6/100ths of a second) of Chart 3 above (A-1).5. Zooming into 27 seconds of second drop (B on Chart 1).6. Zooming into 1/3 of a second of Chart 5 above (B-1). 7. Zooming into about 60 milliseconds (6/100ths of a second) of
Chart 5 above (B-3). Nanex Research