May 6'th 2010 Flash Crash Analysis
Continuing Developments
The Mini Flash Crash of 04-28-2010
Publication Date: 09/20/2010
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While scanning historical data searching for previous days which exhibit
similar behavior to that of 05/06/2010, we found a time on 04/28/2010 with
quote bursts very similar to those we saw on 05/06/2010 (just prior to the
NYSE feed delay). The time of this quote burst began at 11:27:46.100 on
We have determined that quote rates above 7,000 to 7,500 per 25ms interval
(280,000 to 300,000/sec) will saturate (stuff) CQS+UQDF (note
the quote/trade rate charts are in 25 millisecond resolution).
(click on image for a high resolution view):

Note the eerie similarities at the start of the drop on 04/28 and 05/06 in the
chart below:
(click on image for a high resolution view):
This event triggered a delay in several NYSE stocks beginning at 11:27:47. Show
below are the SPY EMINI and the DJI:
We decided to investigate this further to determine if any stocks experienced
the same delays from the high quote activity as those we saw on 05/06/2010 and
reported on in our initial Flash Crash
Analysis. We found many.
Note that this was just one week prior to 05/06/2010, the day of the flash
While less drastic, the event was very similar to that of 05/06/2010. Huge
bursts of quotes flooded the system and almost immediately NYSE quotes began to
lag the market. CQS would choose the stale NYSE quotes as the BBO, the same as
we described on 05/06/2010 in our report "The NBBO is Broken".
The following images show many of the stocks with delayed quotes on
04/28/2010, although it is by no means a complete list. It should be noted that
NONE of the stocks listed below were reporting 'slow mode' quotes. All of the
quote data recorded was sent as normal, quote condition 0 quotes. Trading was
also occurring on all exchanges at different price levels.
click on any image for a high resolution view):
Publication Date: 09/20/2010
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