Nanex Research
Nanex ~ 24-Oct-2012 ~ A Failure to Communicate 2
On October 24, 2012 at 11:34:20, the symbol IACI was halted for 5 minutes. Apparently,
NQ-Boston (BOST) didn't get the message and continued trading and quoting. At 12:09:01,
the trades
from NQ-Boston circled in chart 1 below were canceled, as shown in the following
Seq | ISO | Price |
Size |
386227 | Y | 49.32 | 100 |
386228 | Y | 49.64 | 100 |
386229 | Y | 49.32 | 100 |
386230 | Y | 49.59 | 100 |
386231 | Y | 49.64 | 100 |
386246 | N | 49.60 | 100 |
386362 | N | 49.74 | 100 |
386804 | N | 48.83 | 100 |
387439 | N | 49.00 | 200 |
387722 | N | 49.00 | 100 |
387877 | N | 49.00 | 200 |
388285 | N | 49.04 | 100 |
389522 | Y | 49.02 | 118 |
393983 | N | 48.89 | 100 |
See also: a failure to communicate 1.
1. IACI 500 millisecond interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange
and NBBO (gray shading for normal, red for crossed).
The circled trades are from NQ-Boston. That exchange apparently didn't know the stock
was halted.
2. IACI 5 second interval chart showing trades color coded by exchange.
3. IACI 5 second interval chart showing best bids and offers color coded by exchange.
Note that NQ-Boston (BOST) continues quoting during the halt.
Nanex Research